Friday, December 20, 2013

Dolls in the works

I started working on three dolls today. I was going to name them the "Black Dolliah" (Black Daliah) collection because the fabric is mostly black. But when I thought more about it, I had to change my mind. After all, why would I name dolls after such a brutal crime.

Hopefully they will be done by tomorrow so I can make more.. I have a serious doll making addiction. Atleast it's a healthy habit.

Till next time,

Dolly XXXXXXX's and OOOOOO's


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Doll making confusion

I've been busy. Busy making a doll that is. I keep changing her around. For instance I had this idea of making a circus collection of dolls and really REALLLY wanted this to be my first trapeze lady. Did that happen? Nope. Believe me, it started that way.. but for some odd reason I changed her around; several times as a matter a fact.

 It just goes to show, things don't always go as planned..I'm not quite done yet with her, but soon enough I will be an on to the next one..

Till next time,

