Friday, December 20, 2013

Dolls in the works

I started working on three dolls today. I was going to name them the "Black Dolliah" (Black Daliah) collection because the fabric is mostly black. But when I thought more about it, I had to change my mind. After all, why would I name dolls after such a brutal crime.

Hopefully they will be done by tomorrow so I can make more.. I have a serious doll making addiction. Atleast it's a healthy habit.

Till next time,

Dolly XXXXXXX's and OOOOOO's


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Doll making confusion

I've been busy. Busy making a doll that is. I keep changing her around. For instance I had this idea of making a circus collection of dolls and really REALLLY wanted this to be my first trapeze lady. Did that happen? Nope. Believe me, it started that way.. but for some odd reason I changed her around; several times as a matter a fact.

 It just goes to show, things don't always go as planned..I'm not quite done yet with her, but soon enough I will be an on to the next one..

Till next time,



Thursday, November 28, 2013

Vintage Postcards and Cards

Vintage Printable Angelic Postcards and Cards

I love anything vintage and from time to time I find free downloads. 

Here are some vintage angelic postcards for anything you want to use them for. Click this link Vintage Postcards and Cards for the first set of postcards and cards. This will open up Google docs for you so you can select the ones you like, or perhaps you want them all. 

Have a Great Day!



Sunday, November 10, 2013

My current doll project

Vintage Circus Dolls

It's 2:10 AM and I started working on this doll which will be a vintage trapeze lady. I plan on making another, because I feel like she should not be alone. 

Anyways, I'm waiting for her head to dry which could take a couple of days since I put the clay on so thick.

The dress is made from vintage brocade and antique lace. I used paper clay on the head and super sculpey on the arms and legs.
Till next time


A Doll I gave to my Long Lost Friend Gertrude. 

This dolls name is "Gertrude the Actress"

Actually my friend is not lost, I ended up moving away and I haven't seen her in years. So, I sent her this doll, it reminds me of her because she loves theater and I wanted to capture a more theatrical look.  

I'm in love with any kind of fabric that is silky or has a satin feel. I decided to use brocade fabric and sort of a netting underneath this doll. The scarf wrapped around her is lace from an estate sale. The head, arms, and legs are clay and the body is cloth. I loved making this doll, and I'm glad she is in a good home now.

Till next time,

Dolly XXXXXXX's and OOOOOO's


How my doll journey began

My name is WendyLee, I'm 39 years old, I live in Arizona and I'm in love with making dolls. This is how my doll journey began..

Back in 1978 when I was 4 years old, my Mother took me to Sunday school for the first time and the Sunday school teacher told the girls to try to make dolls. There were two huge card board boxes in the corner of the classroom and one had scraps of cloth and the other box had naked doll bodies. There was a girl about my age who took the pieces of fabric and whipped up dresses like crazy. I had no idea what I was doing and really got jealous of her and her skills. I REALLY REALLY wanted to know how to do what she was doing, and overtime I figured it out on my own, and have been interested in it since then.

I started making fabric dolls and eventually experimented with clay, which is my favorite type to make (clay and cloth dolls). I get an idea and I just have to execute it. Overtime I've made many dolls, but always end up selling them because there is no space in my house for all of them. Honestly, it's very hard to sell or give away a doll; for some reason I become emotionally attached and it feels like I'm actually giving up a child. It's strange but true.

I've decided to open a blog to record all the dolls that I make, but also to connect with other doll makers out there in the world who have the same interest as me; doll making. I don't know anyone personally who likes to make dolls but it would be interesting to get to know others who do.

Also, I'll be opening up my own online store on Etsy and a Facebook page just for my doll making.

Currently I'm working on a "Vintage Circus Doll" line and will be recording my progress along the way with plenty of pictures and explanations of fabric etc. used in the process.

If you have your own blog, and make dolls as well, please let me know. I'd love to get to know you and see your work.

Till next time